Horrible twitter incident (sexual)

As all of you know I'm 12 years old this year and this 'Horrible Twitter Incident' occured 2 years ago. This contains a bit of sexual so please if yoy don't like it, please silently close the page.
Okay so I'm starting the story now. When I first got twitter and I started following random people, there is this 14- year -old guy (2 years ago) and he messaged me saying that he wanted to be friends with me on twitter.
I asked him who he was and he replied 'I (can't reveal name)' and he starts showing his dick to me.
He squirted out sperm, all I could say is that it is disgusting now. Back then I didn't know what was that so I just look at it. He then called me sister, which was weird because I don't reall know this guy...
I thought this whole thing was fun, I know, I'm stupid, so I called him 'gor gor' (Brother)
We stayed like that for a couple of months, and then after sometime I started to show my boobs to him. I could feel that he was horny at that time.
I told my friend about this whole sexual thing I've been going through and he said it was sexual abuse, which I think it is not because I was not being raped by him. (My English sucks...)
I only told my friends about this sexual thing I did not tell my parents about it as I think that they would have scream at me like crazy.
My friends actually suggested me to call the police but I said no as I don't want to blow up things, I didn't want to go up to the headlines saying ' girl have been sexually harassed by 14 year old boy' I didn't want that.
My friends told me that they would keep a secret and help me out on this situation which they did.
After that sexual twitter thing was settled, everyone starts forgetting about this incident but me. Although some may tease me uabout being so stupid.
What I'm trying to say to you guys is, please don't chat with strangers on social media or even the real world. Once you talked to them, you told them more about yourself... where you are going... you don't even know who the hell you are talking to. If it is the ISIS or some other dangerous people, not only you would get affected, the people around you would get affected, literally like those people around you don't even know. Please don't end up like me,  talked to a 14 year old boy and  'BAM!' You saw a 'banana'! I don't even know who he is! Those people who are naive or gullible peopel, in fact everyone of you, please don't get trick.

Well that's my twitter incident. Follow me on google+, twitter, instagram.
Add me on: Snapchat.

Twitter: @MsMckenzie69

Instagram: @1d_addicted_fan

Snapchat: @MsMckenzie69
